

The Foundation for the Study of Science and Thought (BILDEV) was established as an independent research base in Istanbul, a cosmopolitan city that bridges the various regions of the world geographically, culturally and intellectually, and hosts people of multiple origins and faiths. At present, there is no such scholarly base focusing on original perspectives and ideas of the world’s diverse intellectual backgrounds, neither in Istanbul nor in the region.

Mission | BILDEV

Over the past century, approaches to innovative thought have been limited in purview, because such initiatives so far have not allowed different views to engage in debates and discuss various standpoints. Moreover, many scholars do not have the institutional support to be involved in contemporary thinking on a global scale; instead, they tend to be limited to the historical narratives of their intellectual heritage, and thus, are unable to fill the gap between their current conditions and past heritage.The Foundation hopes to prioritize the originality of ideas, and less so the researchers’ scholarly institutional credentials or backgrounds. New ideas under current conditions can only be pursued with full freedom of opinion, expression, and criticism.

Mission | BILDEV
Mission | BILDEV

The overall mission, therefore, is to multiply and expand intellectual activity, and enrich and proliferate scholarly production, making it flourish in a profoundly dynamic, productive and engaging manner.

As a result, the Foundation is always open to change its working structure, methods, and activities and adapt new perspectives in accordance with its mission and principles as well as the highest standards of scholarship.